Homeschooling Organizations
in Miami County

See also: Statewide Organizations.

Dominion Academy of Dayton

Miami Valley's School of Classical Christian Education which offers homeschool (or virtual school) enrichment including: sports, band, dance, drama, language and much more.

Contact: Amy Willmann

Serving counties: Clark, Butler, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Warren

Kids for Christ (KFC)

Unknown, New Carlisle area. Please email me if you have info.

Serving counties: Clark, Miami

Miami County Christian Home Educators of Ohio (MCCHEO)

Monthly support group meetings every 2nd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at the YMCA Robinson Branch game room, except June, July, August & December. Summer meeting schedule announced in May. Yearly membership fee of $15 which includes a subscription to our monthly newsletter.

Amy Welborn 937-335-5318

Serving counties: Miami

North Dayton Christian Home Educators (NDCHEA)

For Christian families. Our purpose is to provide support for parents who are homeschooling by encouraging them, sharing experiences in homeschooling, helping to improve instructional skills, and to provide a forum for exchange. We meet the second Tuesday of the month from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Meetings are held at Perkins Restaurant on Rt. 48 in Englewood. Goggle+

Contact: Kirstin English

Serving counties: Montgomery, Miami


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