Homeschooling Organizations
in Clark County

See also: Statewide Organizations.

Dominion Academy of Dayton

Miami Valley's School of Classical Christian Education which offers homeschool (or virtual school) enrichment including: sports, band, dance, drama, language and much more.

Contact: Amy Willmann

Serving counties: Clark, Butler, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Warren

Families for Christ

Unknown, Springfield area. Please email me if you have info!

Serving counties: Clark

Homeschooling Our Own Way (HOW)

All inclusive HS support group in the area of New Carlisle, Clark County and surrounding counties. Our purpose is to provide resources for homeschoolers including but not limited to educational materials for loan, legal information on home education in the state of Ohio and to provide educational field trips, monthly support meetings, special programs, and other activities.

Contact: Peaches Webb (937) 845-15

Serving counties: Clark

Kids for Christ (KFC)

Unknown, New Carlisle area. Please email me if you have info.

Serving counties: Clark, Miami

Parents Educating At Christing Homes (PEACH)

Christian emphasis with purpose of providing encouragement, fellowship and information to families who are educating their children in their homes. Our current membership is 200+ families, and we meet the second Thursday of the month at Arrowbrook Baptist Church 1124 Upper Bellbrook Road, Xenia OH 45385. Our monthly meetings are free and open to the public. Members enjoy regular activities and field trips, a monthly email newsletter, Care Groups, yearly curriculum sale, annual standardized testing for those who choose that option, and a formal graduation each May for our PEACH Seniors.

Contact: Susan Raber
P.O. Box 39 Alpha OH 45301-0039

Serving counties: Warren, Montgomery, Greene, Clinton, Clark


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