Welcome, Ohio home educators, to H-i-O!

Homeschooling in Ohio (H-i-O)
a comprehensive index to Ohio homeschooling organizations,
local support groups, mailing lists and people.

Homeschooling In Ohio is what you make it! If you know of an Ohio group that is not listed, please submit it for inclusion on H-I-O.

Please continue to help build this resource for your fellow homeschoolers, and those new homeschoolers that might be just starting out! Feel free to send me your suggestions on how it can be improved!

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Things to Do in Ohio!

"You're such a blessing to still be doing this after ALL these years...I still send everyone I know to H-I-O!!" --Renee S.

"Thanks so much for offering this service, for free to boot." --Sheri W-V.

"Thanks for the site -- very helpful." --Paula S.

"This is an excellent resource!" --Sue M.

"Your site is one of the best information sites in the state! Thanks for all you do for Ohio homeschoolers!" --Kim W.

"Just wanted to say THANK YOU for your excellent, all-encompassing, everything-I-needed-and-more web site!" --Roberta M.

"I just wanted to thank you for having such a well organized site...Your site is a great place to start..." --Chris H.

"I have just visited your website for the very first time and am thrilled with the information [your website] contains," --Tracy M.

"No suggestions on improvements....just thankful for this site, it saved me from having to travel 30 minutes away for a group! THANK YOU!!" --anonymous

"Thank you for providing this resource!" -- Candy R.

"Thanks for all your help, keep up the website, it looks great!" -- Angie

Note: H-I-O does not necessarily endorse any group, organization,
or mailing list included on this site. Please choose wisely.
